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Harley Davidson's Bradford Beach Brawl by TROG

Updated: Sep 20, 2018

Milwaukee, WI

Vintage motorcylces + sand track on the beach = A DAY OF AMAZINGNESS!!!

"I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it"... bet you started singing along..hahah! It's race day... wahoooo!!!!

The skies opened up unfortunately and it poured like crazy, but that didn't stop folks from coming out to witness the action of the first motorcylce race to happen in a really long time on Milwaukee's sand, Harley Davidson's Bradford Beach Brawl presented by TROG (The Race of Gentleman).

Rain wet the sand in conjuction with the water truck, followed by heavy duty rollers packing it down between runs, but the shear speed and weight of iron and rubber spun it back loose, causing racers to heavily rely on all their skills. Most stayed upright, a few tumbled, there was even a double pile up, causing this to be a true nail biter spectator event which had all eyes on the track. Each race consisted of 3 laps around the sand track, which sounds way easier than the actual task.

Luckily about mid-day the sun decided to reappear and bring even more folks to join in the action.... wahooooo!!!

Some race and pit shots:

This one reminded me of a postcard so I only cropped and didn't edit:

Random pics:


Race ended, now let's make friends:

And... thats a wrap, see ya next race!

Verdict: If you can make it out to a TROG event, do it!!!

Comment: Where would you like to see a TROG race happen?

Harley Davidson and The Race of Gentleman are always putting on events so be sure and check out their websites and follow along on their socials so you don't miss out.



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